jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

How green are you?

When I was a child and I came to Santiago it was a shock to smell the air and see the poluted sky. Santiago is the hell of enviroment activits and a big part of that problem is that we are not an enviromentally friendly culture. I don't remember this issue as a big topic when I was on school - it's not part of the program. So a lot of people doesn't take this seriously. The good thing is that we can do something about it: been responsable and raising awareness. I try to be responsable with the waste of the things I use, I always throw them to the trashcan and I encourage others to do the same - I get angry with others if they don't do it. Also, I use public transportation and I walk a lot (a healthy habit).
If you want to help the enviroment you can separate the trash, build a compost, reduce the amount of water you use, etc. We are not only helping the enviroment, we are helping ourselves. This is were we live and little actions can make huges differences on the quality of our lifes and other people lifes too.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

A movie that I like and a movie that I hate

I'm a very tolerant person... but not in the artistic world.
"Persona", by Bergman, is a great movie and one of my favorites. It's about a young nurse who has to take care of an actress who, by mysterious reasons, has decided don't talk to anyone. After a few days the nurse starts to talk more and more about her personal life - some terrible choices she takes in the past -. In this environment of total dependency, body and personality start to separate from each other, but I will not tell all the story. It's deep, interesting, it's  awesome.

A movie that I hate... there's a lot and is difficult to chose just one, but I'll pick, the horrendous, "Freddy versus Jason". I love Freddy (I saw all the movies) and Jason... but, separated. This movie is so bad it's offensive. The acting, the plot, the shots, etc. But the saddest part is the lack of respect to two beloved characters by a mediocre cinematic execution. Of course, this remains me "The Phantom Menace", another rubbish. But there's some bad movies that are actualy fun like "The Critters" (just watch them rolling on the floor: terrible special effects).

Anyway, this will probably change in the future. I will  watch more good and bad movies and my mood will change too.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2015

A Song that has a special meaning

Lateralus is a song by the band Tool - my favorite band. I choose this song because it's so powerful it gives me goosebumps when I listen to it. The song structure rest on the Fibonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc), this group of numbers can be use to draw a perfect spiral that can be found in nature and, of course, in the art history. The drums and the vocals are based in this structure and guide the listener on a game with this numbers: they start the sequence, they go backwards or miss some parts in purpose. The vast majority of the lyrics talk about "become" this spiral. Imagine a human being who can transcend its limits and go further and further. You always grow, everything is experienced in new ways. This is the kind of song that makes you realize there's no limits to your potential, to connect with yourself  and overcome your own prejudices, at least, this is the way the song works for me and other people, but Tool's song are always "very" open to interpretations. So listen the song, give it a try - it is a little long for certain people but you will not be disappointed :)
Spiral out; keep going!